Originally posted by DonM:
Hi guys,
Thanks for the wishes and prayers. Apparently I made it to surgery just in time. The doctor said it was juat about to rupture. It had been bothering me for about a week.
The symptoms were not quite classic, so they ran a catscan to be sure, and took me to surgery soon after that.
Today I still have fever from the infection and quite a bit of soreness, but I will go home when the fever goes down.
I had breakfast yesterday about 10 and didn't eat again until 9 this morning. Imagine, 23 hours without FOOD!
Doctor is coming back right now.
Good news!...get some rest & let Hank take the wheel at the Gig for a few days until your up & about again. Hang in there we need you in the trenches.....see you soon & get well soon.