Izotope Ozone is a great application, very professional...on the other side TRacks is
great too but everyone loves TRacks cuz it
sounds warmer, more analogish, vintage while
Ozone is more synthetic, like Waves.
To experience that difference a person needs
to monitor on a really good monitors, you
cant expect to hear a difference on computer monitors.
Cubase 8.5 Pro. Windows 7 X64. ASUS SaberTooth X99. Intel I7 5820K. ASUS GTX 960 Strix OC 2GB. 4x8 GB G.SKILL.
2 850 PRO 256GB SSDs. 1 850 EVO 1TB SSD. Acustica: Nebula Server 3 Ultimate, Murano, Magenta 3, Navy, Titanium.