Well, here it is...

The Nearness of You...


Performed on a Tyros 1, using an Orchestral Jazz Ballad style. Piano was main instrument, strings were instrument #2 and I used a Fluglehorn for the front half of the solo section.

Key of F at 72 bpm...

Vocal mic was an AKG Perception 220..

Recorded on a Tascam DP-01...

Ran lines out from a Behringer PMX2000 box mixer into the two inputs of the Tascam.

I am not comfortable recording stuff. Not from a performance perspective, but from the technical end of things. In my headphones, the mix sounded perfect, but on my mp3 players, the vocal wasn't loud enough...on my computer speakers, I thought it was a tad too loud...

Overall I thought it wasn't loud enough. Not sure how to address that in the recording process though...

Maybe if I just decided to record a different song every day...The routine would become second hand to me and it wouldn't bug me...

I'm also not convinced that the AKG mic gives me any significantly better results than my Sen 855e or one of my Sure's for that matter. I could swear I hear some very slight phasing or something that could be the mic picking up some signal leaking out of my headphones. This mic is picking up cars, lawn mowers, the cat meowing around the house...lol...

Oh well...I think I've covered the bases on how I did this...Cass, thanks for helping me learn a new song...I'd never heard of it until you listed it.

Enjoy everyone...

Bill in Dayton

[This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 06-02-2009).]
Bill in Dayton