Hello once again, frequenters of the Synth Zone BBS.

As always, thank you for taking the time to have a listen, and thank you to those who left a comment. Music should be shared (or sold if you gig or write), enjoyed and discussed (or sometimes maybe just cussed ).

I must say that I'm a bit overwhelmed at the number of listens and replies - my sense of whelm is easily pushed over the top now-a-days. Did I mention I had an exceptionally crappy summer?

Hi Tony. I'm pleased that you liked it. Thanks very much.

Hello Beakybird (or do you prefer Larry?). I agree with you about the strumming. I tried a few multi-pads to try and vary it somewhat, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for. Ideally, I should have waded through my style collection and borrowed another guitar part, but apathy (laziness?) got the better of me, I'm afraid. I also tried to shake it up a bit with the some sus 4's and 2's, but ultimately decided that I'd use them sparingly, and hope that the guitars didn't come off as monotonous. Only partially successful with that, methinks. I agree, the lyrics are strong - that's partially what attracted me to this song. That and the way it weaves back and forth between major and minor keys. This song is actually public domain, and according to Wikipedia, can trace its roots back to 1800's Appalachia. I left a few verses out in the name of brevity (and it's still 5:35...). Nice job on your tune, BTW. I've been following your compositions here on SZ - keep on writin'!

Thanks for the tip, Nigel. I suppose that's what I get for posting before I've had my second cup of coffee. I thought my password was something I could remember... Oh yeah - thanks also for all of your hard work in keeping the Synth Zone up and running. I hardly ever post, but I do come here almost every day.

Hi Ian. Thanks a lot. So far, I haven't got the bug for new gear (fingers crossed). My 3K works really well in my little studio for what I need it for. I usually use it to make backing tracks and to record harmony. I could sing my own harmony, but I like to use the VH in keeping with the arranger theme, as I often put my material up on other forums.

Hi Scott. The instrument you're thinking of is an EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument). They're made by Akai. I actually do have a Yamaha WX7 MIDI wind controller, but I really don't have any newer gear that it works well with (it works best with patches that respond to breath control). Too bad, because as a sax player, it's a fun instrument to play.

Thanks Bebop. I'm not sure about best, but on a personal note, this is probably one of my better recordings. I've been trying to successfully record the sax for a few years, experimenting with mics, reverb, compressors, etc. It's not quite there yet, but this is the closest I've come to the sound I'm looking for. It's one of those sounds which you don't know what you want until you've got it.

Geez Gary, you've got me blushing! High praise indeed coming from one of the most helpful and knowledgeable PSR players I know of. Thanks - you're no slouch yourself, you know.

Thanks for listening,
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