If it doesn't have a remote control, I pretty much leave it alone. My wife started a project re-doing our kitchen. We, mostly she, have replaced the stove, microwave, dishwasher, counter tops and still re-doing cabinet doors. It's going on a year now. We generally start something, realize we need help, and call an expert to finish it.
I'm waiting right now for an insurance guy to come and assess damage from floods a couple of weeks ago. Looks like we'll get new carpet.
October set an all-time record for rain here, with around 30 inches, most of it in a week.
Boo, you could come down here and build a brick wall around the back of the house is case that ever happens again. We put out sandbags or it would have been much worse.
We were actually lucky as a lot of the nearby neighborhood was hit by tornadoes that week.
After a week of beautiful weather, we're having an extreme cold spell now. Temperatures won't get much about 60 today.