The day YOU take this seriously enough to USE ONE, I will take it seriously. Honestly, James, how can you
keep spouting this stuff when you have no idea how hard it is to do?

It's simple. I'll keep it to small words. The day that I hear stuff done by real users on an MS that blows
away the T3, PA2X, etc., that will be the day I start to believe it all. NOT the day anyone tells me it OUGHT
to sound better. The day it DOES.

Point me to where this is, James. AFG. Bueller.. Bueller... Bueller..... . . . .

Just to put your mind at rest, and to save you repeating yourself as much as I have to, let me agree
with you. The MS OUGHT to sound MUCH better than anything else out there. It OUGHT to blow every
closed arranger away. Its' capabilities and potential are light years ahead of anything else out there.

Now point me to someone that HAS achieved that potential. Save yourself the tedium of answering with
the same points over and over until you can...

And, to answer your point about the V-Machine, Musebox, etc., you see, with a closed arranger AND a
VSTi player, all you generally need are some decent RH sounds, you don't even NEED to try and integrate
the closed arranger's style section. It ALREADY sounds better than anyone has achieved with a soft
system. THAT was the point I was making. Your PA2 has all the MIDI it needs to send the bank and PC#'s
to call up what you need, IF all you need are a few decent RH sounds. Heck, it's what you are using now,
isn't it (what ARE you controlling the V-Machine from?)?

It just seems absurdly obvious that few if any (I sure haven't heard anyone yet) are capable of unleashing
the potential in the MS. Certainly no-one at the factory can, and no user I've heard yet can. We both
have VERY high expectations from this thing. But you appear happier that no-one has achieved it than I do.

Just as I wouldn't want to take an F1 car into town to pick up groceries, I wouldn't want an MS to do
arranger gigs on. Not when it's about a million times easier to jump into an Accord...

Don't TELL me I'm wrong. PROVE to me I'm wrong.

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 01-26-2010).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!