Hi Tony
I picked up the leaflet sometime after the Audya was launched, (probably under a month though) however as there is no date on it, I do not know how old it is.

I also do not have access to an OS1 version of the Audya, so cannot say whether all the features in the leaflet were included in OS1.

The only thing I can say for definite is that the one I had demonstrated to me had all the features as advertised.

The speakers used were from the SR range and comprised of two satellites and a sub

Audio Loops cost more than Midi Loops
R & D costs a lot of money, and to recoup it you can sell cheap and sell many (The big boys have the capacity to do this) or charge more for the keyboard, and promote it on its innovations in its market (The smaller boys have to do this as they do not have the production capacity of the big boys)

Is it worth £1700 more than the PA2x?
Only the potential customer can decide this, and if YOU don’t think it’s worth it, why on earth did you buy it in the first place? (It was your choice and your choice alone)



[This message has been edited by abacus (edited 02-27-2010).]
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).