Hi Bill, when it comes to Ketron I don't assume anything, that's the point, they defy all logic,

as far as;

"1. The show has not long opened, and it’s highly unlikely they will post anything on their site until it is officially launched."

To quote the people in the know from the e-mail we all received, "we are so excited about what we will be unveieling, we can hardly contain ourselves", well it looks as though they are contained pretty well so far

"2. There is no reason to assume that the official launch will be on the first day."

Refer to point 1. When youv'e got something great, you dont wait till it's over to take the lead, and finally

"3. MusikMesse is primarily for dealers, NOT the public; therefore don’t assume the public will be informed at the same time."

Well you know this is where this industry has gone horribly wrong and indeed some part to Ketron, customers are what it's all about, and when you treat them with indifference and contempt, no amount of dealer spin is going to make it any better, I mean first out keyboardists are not going to spend $5k plus, so they are dealing with experienced hands, and they are not the ones to trifull with, they will make or break any company out there, as I said this better be good.

Still got the SD3 waiting for the extra styles and upgrades, waiting, waiting, waiting and so on. I'm sure you get the point Bill
