FWIW (nothing) Jimmy Buffet earns $100 million a year.

He goes to Paris is a fabulous song... and it's a true ballad, there is no chorus or refrain.

A Pirate Looks At Forty has a similar vibe... showing that he has a "sensitive" side in addition to his partying ways.

Part of the reason Jimmy Buffet gained fame was because he didn't give a rip. He said "pissed it away so fast" in A Pirate Looks At Forty and then he wrote the infamous Let's Get Drunk. In the 70s, you just didn't write those types of things. As a college student, of course, I reveled in Let's Get Drunk. I couldn't believe anyone would put a song out like that! Wow, what courage! His happy-go-lucky persona endeared him to millions and almost nobody in music has such a loyal following.
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