Originally posted by Bachus:
Maybe James is trying to show all possibilities of the keyboard..

Maybe it would be wise for you to stop discussing lionstracs Diki, because arguments like this don't add anything at al

I'm all for debating any subject but Diki, there is no discussion going on between you and other people on this subject at all. I'd say it's like Shoot first and ask questions later only you don't even do that. It's more like shoot first and then stick your head in the sand. You just say your piece and you stick to that regardless of the reply you get. I really don't get this attitude at all.

You are on your own at this point too as everyone else is open minded, listening, asking questions and watching what's going on.

It's only with a very good exchange of information and a real debate that people can make the right decisions and understand everything. So why don't you actually ask a question first before shooting. I'm not your enemy and I'm not out to prove you wrong on anything.


[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 05-19-2010).]