Originally posted by Bachus:
Thast because the dutch got yellow carted out of the match, they could bareley move or they'd get a yellow card.

The only way to win from Spain is by playing agressive forechecking, well that way of play was killed by Howard Webb.

Get real Bachus, I am Dutch too, but ours were a disgrace yesterday. As a matter of fact I have not seen any game of the Dutch during this Wordl Cup that was a joy to watch. They were slow,rough and without any imagination with the sole exception of Robben. The composition of the team was unbalanced from the start, van Persie was in the wrong position apart from being hopelessly out of shape, van Bommel and de Jong fit Italian cattenaccio football, not creative Dutch total football.
We best forget all about this team and this Championship which was very bleak overall with very little soccer worth watching.
On behalf of any true soccer fan I apologize for the Dutch performances. I (and you) know we can do so much better............
