Thank you George, for at least bringing the subject up with them. Hopefully one day we may see one.

I think one of the excuses maybe for not having a module is the cost, the fact they they would have to be nearly as expensive as a keyboard version. I for one , don't want a module because I expect it to be cheaper, I want it for the convenience.
I used to luv having my 3 modules midied to my Disklavier piano.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by George Kaye:
A module was also discussed and I explained the need for guitar players, accordion players and digital piano/midi controller users to have an arranger module.

[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 08-18-2010).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022