Unless things have changed radically, all Yamaha allow you to do is either import their sound format,
already formatted for the Tyros, with the multisamples and vel-splits and voice programming
already done. But they are expensive and Yamaha release VERY few... after all these years bitching,
Yamaha have STILL to release a good drum kit in sampler form. Talk about NOT listening to your
customers! Currently, there are only a tiny few choices, and the Tyros has had a sampler on board
since the T1, haven't they? That works out to maybe one sound a year, on average! Hardly enough to
justify the capability, honestly.

After that, Yamaha have NO multisample import. That means, if you are trying to import a soundfont set, or
the raw data of a VSTi, you have to laboriously import each and every single sample, which can run to
HUNDREDS for a multi-velocity piano or drum kit, etc.. THEN you have to make sure that the pitch
range and velocity range is exactly the same as how each sample is used in the original instrument, THEN
you have to voice each sample with the voice programming yourself...

On a Korg, you can import Akai multisample sets in one go. All the samples, already mapped out onto the
keyboard for you... Yes, you'll STILL have to do the voice programming (unless you can substitute the
multisample for a ROM set of the same kind of sound, and use some voice programming already worked out
- but it's still pretty heavily dependent on how the sample sounds), but you have saved yourself HOURS,
if not days, recreating a complex multisample layout.

Having the capability to do something, but making it so labor-intensive generally means that VERY few will
actually use it. Yamaha need to add Akai and soundfont import if they want people to take the
sampler seriously on a Tyros. Currently, it is a mere marketing hook, forcing you to buy your voices (VERY
expensively) from Yamaha, when they are generous enough to even make any...

The MoXF's voice architecture is very different from the T4's. I highly doubt you will be able to import XF
voices into a T4.

You want to make a product that will sell well, James? Make a program that automatically converts Akai
multisamples into Yamaha's format!

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 09-12-2010).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!