Originally posted by squeak_D:
Lets not forget that Casio is offering BOTH a 76 and 61 key arranger with the EXACT same features.

Can you buy any PSR-S series in Both 76 or 61? Can you buy a Korg PA-500 in both 76 and 61? Does Roland offer the Prelude and GW-8 in both 76 and 61.?.?

On top of all that.., WHO here has heard one yet? Has anyone considered the possibility that Casio may have improved the sound quality on these models so that they'll be taken more seriously?

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 10-04-2010).]

The only people who care about this are those who seriously believe 76 keys will make them better musicians that 61...Casio and the others HAVE to offer 76 key Arrangers. Yamaha doesn't on their serious arrangers eand sells every last one ...Including their $5000 Tyros

76 keys just doesn't matter to those who would rather give that up in favor of a sound and feature set they consider superior to others....Obviously anyone who buys a Yamaha Arranger already does given the choices they already have.

This may effect sales of other 76 key Arranger makers.....and Yamaha YPG sales but not much more than their 61 key product already does. Casio is a Wal Mart Brand" has a name recognition issue....along the lines of MAttel and Hasbro. Once they get over that , they will be contenders.

They make a pretty nice $700 Previa that has some major performance feature not normally found at that price like Splits The weighted keys are adequate as well.

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 10-04-2010).]
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo