Further to my earlier post, I have been investigating the above.

I don't need 76 keys for this boar, but neither do I need (or want) speakers. The main points for me are ease of use and great sounds. I play standing up, have to sing, drive the desk and lights, read the audience and pick the songs (no set list)and depending who I'm playing with be able to transpose a SMF on the fly. From what I see, there is not much difference between the two, especially with v3 on the G70. The one thing that appeals to me about the E80 is the fact that I can use two SRX boards instead of one. Depending on the quality of the onboard sounds, i would pick two from three - the three being Ultimate keys, symphonic strings, brass ensemble. (I have Sax and guitar covered by other musicians, and I am looking for 'realistic' live band sound.

Can anyone shed any more light on the differences between the two - note, I can pick up a used G70 both more easily and far more cheaply.

