I don't have any idea why you think I or anyone else has any interest in slowing down the sales of any product...T4 inclided.
Personally I could cre less about the sales of T4. If folks like it buy it, if not buy something else.
I will say this. YES, it wll slow down some sales of the T4. Choices are a good thing. I expect it will be something special. And it is comming, it's not maybe, it if when that we don't know.
I suspect that people that love the Yamaha in general will mostly stay there...but there are a few that will change if they have grown tired of the same thing over & over, or want features of something new.
I don't ever see any reason to actually BASH any product, just for bashings sake......yes, we can talk about PRO's & CON's and discuss things things that are wrong based on individual needs/wants.
Lee S.
Lee S.