Hi Rikki,
I haven't programmed it yet, just confirmed it works. Our fellow Vagro has one and probably knows more than me.
If you see the photo, in the lower left corner is a "scene" button followed by 4 leds. A scene is the complete set of the knobs/sliders/buttons you see on the right. Think of it as a page. Only one of the leds is lit at every one time, indicating what scene/page is active. When you press the scene button, you simply change the scene/page.
What you can do with it is that you can program it to transmit CC or note numbers to the programs that you use.
So, for example in the 1st scene/page you may program the 9 sliders to correspond with the mix levels BIAB uses, so you control the mix of the instruments. The 9 knobs might be the sustain level or a resonance filter or whatever, and the buttons might be the solo on-off for each instrument. The Stop/play/rew etc buttons on the left may be programmed to start/stop/loop the BIAB interface. Basically when a soft synth has knobs or sliders on the screen interface to control the sound, if sample lord can accept CC's for the knobs for shaping the sound or Pianissimo accepts CC's for controlling timbre, mellow-hard, bass-treble etc, this little bugger can probably be assigned and control it, in a more physical way. No more mouse clicking !
Pressing the scene button once, the 2nd led lights up and you have a fresh set of knobs/sliders/buttons. Here you program them to control a separate software synth, like attack,sustain release, level, mute, arpeggiator latch and so on. 3rd and 4th page, more controls, and if you push the scene button again, it returns to the 1st page. All settings are retained in the memory, and with the Kontrol Editor program you can make as many as you wish and load them if needed.
Remember for example some years ago when you needed a way to control some Yamaha style player's intros variations fills, I suggested and you bought/used a cheap separate numeric keypad? If the style player accepts CC numbers or note numbers as a way to control the intros vars fills, the buttons on the Korg can be programmed to send the corresponding CC or note numbers and you have 18 of them in each scene/page. Plus you could use the sliders and knobs to control the mix levels!
If you are interested I will try to help more as i find out how to do things with it.
[This message has been edited by trident (edited 10-16-2010).]