Originally posted by mr9000:
Please leave Diki and hatred for free speech out..funny(actually no) how people operate,WHEN i am searching out to purchase a new/used car i am on the internet soley looking ALL information MORESO the negative! I want to r-e-a-l-l-y know what the h*ll i am unbiasedly buying. It's ALL about insecurities & touchy feely these days about things from china.

Was that and old car or a new one, or trying to compare and old car with a new one and the salesman says don't buy a new car off me they are no good.
Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey