Originally posted by Tony Hughes:

One of the best presetations have have seen on SZ, who needs MS,Audya,Roland how much was that KB. And this just go to show how bad those MS videos were and still are. The sound and video quality was first class, this will never be beat. Watch them come out the woodwork now, DoM is a good judge if he says it's OK then it's OK, please post more , I remember that chap in the white trainers and short playing the MS, it's still on YOUTUBE somewhere, gods alive what's it come to. Nick 150 out of 100. Brillant.

whoa hang on a minute! This is not me playing LOL I just merely stumbled across these vids on YT... sorry if I confused anyone!!


[This message has been edited by Nick G (edited 11-05-2010).]
Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW-8L / Roland Fantom O6 / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500