I'm a longtime Yamaha arr keyboard fan (PSR2000, Tyros1, Tyros2), but now find myself sitting on the fence between upgrading to Tyros4 or instead, waiting to see what the next Korg (PA3X?)arranger brings (1st Quarter 2011?)

I've auditioned the PA2X Pro and was very impressed with its realistically LIVE sound, compared to Tyros2's polished CD sound approach, but because emulating a small piano combo an important ingredient to my arr kb playing needs, I'm not convinced (yet) whether Korg's got enough impressive sounding small jazz combo swing styles to fit the bill. That said, anybody have more links to Korg PA produced songs utilizing small swing jazz combo styles?

I also appreciate Tyros4's new sound improvement (esp drums) & improved vocal harmonizer, but remain disappointed Yamaha didn't improve the MusicFinder to include linking to & calling up User Reg settings. That said, I'm not willing to upgrade to a Tyros4 until Yamaha releases an OS update which corrects the problem of not being able to save an edited style.

For now, until something or someone can convince me otherwise, I'm sticking with what I got: Tyros2.