Hi Everyone:

Scott was curious as to what settings I used on the Logitech Z2300, So I copied them from my Ty4

and posting, thought others might want to try them also........................pose

POZ 1 Eq Settings

+7 +4 +3 +4 +6 EQ

2.1 2.0 1.4 2.1 2.5 Q

4.0 400 250 4.0 630 Freq.

POZ 1 CMP Settings

-20 +2 +8

(Pretty Radical but works for me)

I mounted the speakers onto the ty4 using the MS-02 brackets.

Guessing it will do a nursing home of 50 people, (or if you're Gary playing to "80" with 2 ol gents with hearing aide's beating their table tops with their canes, yelling "turn it down, turn it down").......LOL