So, I'm wondering whatever happened to the demos with Yamaha styles? I was really looking forward to this and considering the possibility of getting a Varranger.
I have been to the Varranger site a number of times and didn't see anything related to this.
This would be a good time for an update with this Roland arranger model coming out. Maybe some price adjusting will come about because of this.
Maybe eventually the Varranger could use Roldand and Korg styles yet. This would be interesting.
And wasn't James talking on a thread about a virtual SD2 software? Another great idea.
Maybe in reality the Yamaha styles didn't sound better with the Varranger than the Tyros 3? That's a pretty strong claim. Maybe Yamaha said nix to this idea?
What happened?
Edited by Scott Langholff (02/20/11 12:12 AM)