I realy dont want to hijack the thread with a discussion of FM synthesis and the Hammond Organ, but I will just say that a Hammond is not about pure waveforms, the signal from a tonewheel is only a very small part of the final sound, so whilst you can build a plastic Hammond sound using FM synthesis (including key click) its just not possible to add the random factors that even made one hammond sound totally different to another. Same with a Leslie...its impossible with FM sythesis to recreate a rotary system.

If it were true that FM synthesis is so great for making a killer Hammond sound then I would never have sold my DX7IIFD and we would be using vintage DX synths now instead of spending thousands on clones and vintage Hammonds and Leslies combinations.

Please feel free to start a new thread if you would like to discuss further or post examples of super FM Hammond sounds..I could talk on this subject 'till the cows come home smile