Originally Posted By: audyaplayer
I load my pen, very good styles,nice balanced,when you play with styles like me it is very good to update.The bugs that the Audya has,drummixer don't work,mp3 recording to soft and stops suddenly,user live guitars don't work,still the same problem,somethimes display is blanck,but when i push the reg.button it is back,
So guys,we must live with this problems i think,but the Audya is for me the best sounding key.

Like Audyaplayer say:Audya still has the same problems like befor.Audya still load two Live Guitars in the sam etime,Drum remixer dont work,Ins sounds dont respect the order haw we load them,allso we cant change octave for instruments in Style edit menu.
All new styles sounds great and soft.Dont know what ather users missing about genre of styles,but for my opinian is to much styles with italian folk conotation.Personaly I missed styles with Mediteranien sounds and genre.
XD styles is just reworked for Audya and we can fined them in SD1 series.Hear is nothing new.In new set of Ins sounds is to much Acordian sounds and I missed more Guitar and Brass sounds.
So,I thing we dont expect some OS inprovement in this Sound and Styles update(we must weight for bether times in next feu years)and all in all Ketron madet good work.
Like Audyaplayer say:we must live with that and that is to bad....
USB stick cost me 59 Euro.

Edited by Dusan (07/28/11 10:25 AM)