Hi Fran
Do you have installed the OS 5.1?
On OS 5.1 the kernel startup always without PS2 keyboard confirmation.
Anyway, you have to turn OFF normally and not remove the power for turn off, or some system files can be corrupted.
Maybe there is starting and the Fdisk is checking and fixing the files on your HD but you can not see the log untill is finished ( depend on the size of the HD, some time need also 15-20 minute for the Check disk untill then booting normally)

Soon we release the OS 5.3, with the new Wine/windows Realtime version, where no more drop outs on big ASIO/VST.
We have fixed the Wondows OS for the www.garritan.com library.
here some example:
The best ASIO Piano steinway: http://www.lionstracs.com/demo/rack2U/steinwayASIO.jpeg

The Personal Orchestra: http://www.lionstracs.com/demo/groove/3GarritanOrchestra.jpeg
