Years back one of our members said that he would not use his Kn7000 without a mixer between the keyboard and amplifier. I did not totally agree; my reason – I had tone controls on the Amplifier and a global EQ.
Keeping mind as Bernie said, the keyboard can sound differently in each room. If fact I have had to adjust the sound in the middle of a job because the room is colder when people first arrive, after a while the room changes due to the body heat and whatever.
1-A cold room needs more bottom and less reverb.
2-A warmer room needs less bottom and more reverb.
For some this is being too critical, I am one of those who feels it a bit much but when the change becomes obvious (noticeable) Then I will make a change.
I did not want to spend $995.00 for a Bose compact and then have to add Bose T1 mixer for additional $499.00. A moderate mixer will do the job almost as well. Changing the sound of a Kn7000 requires too many moves as opposed to turning a dial on a mixer. The Bose compact has no sound control for the instrument and no effects other than Bass and treble for the vocal. I like to use some reverb for my voice and if possible some harmony.
Important: When you change the EQ (internally) for the Kn7000 it will affect your vocal sound so you are left with a compromise. With a mixer you have full tone control for everything; and you have separated the vocal controls from the instrument controls giving you far more control for your performance.
I have seen mixers for under $125; they are small and can be placed on the keyboard or attached to the keyboard. They control 2 to 4 imputes with tone controls. I am going to take one out of Guitar Center; I’ll post the results.
John C.