The PA50SD tips the scales at just over 24-pounds, and sells for about $150 more. So, I guess the extra inch on the keys adds a fair amount of weight, and about 30 percent to the price over the micro.
Welcome back to the forum, Donny,
Microstation will get away with size and weight( since there is no competition - great practice/smf player/song recoder) as a second keyboard , but pa 50 sd ( year 2000 technology) will start to show yout it's limitations ( terrible keys/ 2 busy fills/not good enough 4/4 simple styles compared to Yamaha) and annoy you as a main arranger and you will want to get rid of it very quickly.
Most will spend $ 250 more and ger S700/710 for excellent style support.Even though Mictrostations limitations are obvious, you will still want to keep it because of it's over all versatility price/weight/size/SMF play/Seq/KB in a band. I hope the sales of Microstation will put Yamaha to make mini S700 for same price wilth full features/outs/2 wheels.