finally getting my keyboards & laptop set up the way I want.
No more unplugging thank goodness as I received a netbook for Xmas for emailing etc.
First thing I decided to set up was Band in a Box midied to my Korg Pa3x ( I'll also add my psr & sd2)
Two reasons for doing it.
First up, I can record Biab songs straight onto the mp3 player in my PA3X.
Secondly, BIAB has a chord output function.
Great for recording backing tracks or handy for practicing new songs or auditioning different stylesfor a song .
The chord function can be used in 2 ways.
1.Play song using Biab style using keyboards OTS or STS settings.
2.Play song using Biab chord progression but using keyboard style.
Ok so it's cheating, but it's still handy practice. L/H isn't triggering the chord changes, but there's nothing to stop me from playing a pad when I want to use both hands.
Next I'm adding my psr.
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022