I don't know guys...I'm pretty sure my Tyros4 blows away the BK-5 in pretty well every category.
Is it worth 4X more?
It is to my ears, and to my fingers. I know what I want to hear coming out of my speakers, and it isn't the Roland BK-5, as good as it is for the little money it costs.
I think most users of Korg PA3X feel much the same way, but I can't speak for them...only for me. I do however, think the PA3X's allegedly difficult OS is worth learning, as the instrument is deep and vast and will give the user back as much as they put into it.
When I play those great SA/SA2 voices, and hear those really versatile and detailed mega-voiced styles, I know I've made the right decision, and my hard earned money was well spent.
A BK-5 will never give me anywhere near what I get from my Tyros4...and if it did, then bravo for Roland and shame on Yamaha. But that's not the case.
However, it still is bravo for Roland in that they made such a fine instrument at a pretty good price point, but I'm afraid these ears and fingers (and my audience) are destined for better things with the Tyros4.
Again...my opinion.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.