Hi John,
I mentioned in my post that the recordings were not real good. There are a few people here who wanted to know how the KMA did on live gigs. I am beginning to get things sorted out and have a very good starting point in getting my little KMA setup the way I want. I still hold my position after owning and gigging with the PA1X, the PA2XPro and now the KMA that Korg falls very short of having a wide selection of styles in each genre so the performing pro can add variety to his performance. I don't know anything about the PA3X. I like the little KMA and will continue to use it on gigs and will continue to tweak things until I get what i want.

Anyway, the three songs are just a little taste of what I am doing with the KMA and when I get the recording process ironed out I will post a few more for folks to hear. It is a really great sounding keyboard - especially with the 2 Bose Compacts. Things would go a lot better if Korg had software to help organize performances after you save them.
