Do the math:

Someone 25 in 1948, would be 89 today, which is hitting the age range where they're either A) unable to get down to the dining room, activity space, etc or they are B) dead...

I'm not saying there won't be any people that old, just that its a minority within most NH audiences.

I'd suggest a better target would be about 10 years later, say 1958. Those folks are 79 and even that's a tad on the high side.

Look at your audiences and ballpark how many are in their 60's, 70's, 80's and up...

A nice mix of pop, country, rock, etc. which aims at the bulk of your audience will play the most dividends. If 50% of your audience is in their 60's, then play 50% of your stuff for them. If 30% is in their 70, play 30% of their material and so on...

I'm playing less and less and less Big Band stuff in the last few years...more and more 60's, 70's and newer...

Good luck...
Bill in Dayton