I realize that most modern arrangers can PLAY just about any chord type you throw at them. But what the style in the first place is programmed with is still the same 3 or 4 chord types that have been around 10 years or more. The more complex chords are derived from these 3 or 4 simpler chords. And often, the results are not QUITE as musically accurate as they would be if programmed specifically for that chord.

And, in many cases (particularly user created styles) they don't even bother with the 3 or 4 that ARE allowed. The arranger only needs to be programmed with a major (some of them want a major 7th) and the minor and 7th chords are derived, with even LESS accuracy and MORE repetition.

I don't think that any two of us here, playing the same arranger and performing the same song would ever end up sounding the same... But I do think that some of us here are FAR more satisfied with where the bar is, rather than wishing for it to be set a lot higher. Of course, whenever something new DOES finally make it to their arranger, they are only too happy to have it, and tout it as the best thing since sliced bread.

But it is strange how determined they seem to be to NOT try and suggest these features before they actually appear. If you can't recognize the difference between arranger output, no matter WHAT you do to mitigate its shortcomings, and REAL music played by REAL musicians, and can't come up with some ideas to bring the two closer, you aren't really trying!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!