Not repeatative/16 bar styles with minor fill in the end.
Song specific style like - Latin rock - Santana's Smooth,a dance style with Billie jean bass in the whole variation one or a like is the problem.
Especially with older styles with ac 2 or 3 making unnecessary riffs make a style less repeatative but more noticeable by the audience if you want to use the same style in different can of course mute it but becomes a problem if the ac 1 - eg 4/4 piano chords makes a small riff at end of the 8th or 16th styles are getting better including fills .korg used to have more complicated/less repeatative approach but it unfortunately worked against them .starting from pa 800/500/2x you'll see they have added siMpler/ relative more repetitive styles ,simpler fills to fit more generic songs.All legacy styles I series /pa 80/60/50 styles had the same problem (some of them are still there in 3x/600).Yes you can wipe them all and replace them all but professionally written styles are still not enough in quantity there fully because of the the relatively newer addition of new fills/ break and only 2 gen of new pa series was introduced in nearly 10 years (pa 1x -2003, pa3x /600-now).
Historically since TOTL korgs have sampler or sample playback function , preference of joystick instead of wheels they were the choice for mid east/east eu musicians since Yamaha wasnt up there.(remember failure of Psr A series against late I series or pa 80- quality,function and local 3rd party support wise).
I hope and am sure more 3rd party style will grow for korg because of price point (pa600) made quality/features.
I'm typing from iPhone so sorry for spelling,etc.