Diki, it's not all about offense. The best offense is a good defense. It's all about the whole team playing, team work togetherness etc.

Iahawk all of the guys you mention, Brees has probably already passed every record any of those guys ever set, and if not, he will next year even if they have a bad season.

The guy is a genius at quarterbacking and works harder than the rest. He literally eats, sleeps and dreams quarterbacking. He has more dedication. At 5'4" tall he has to. Ha ha!

Do some research. I like all of the guys you mentioned in the day too. But the best today just play and think faster. What amazes me is that Brees isn't even 6' tall. Can you imagine him at 6'7" like Peyton or even Eli?

Why didn't you mention Terry Bradshaw? He is never mentioned with the Montana's, Elway's and Marino's. However, he's won more Superbowls than all of those guys put together. Ha ha! Just an exaggeration. But he has won 3 right? Or, is it 4?

He does not have the stats those guys have, but his teams are probably rated with the top teams of all time.

You guy's ever hear of the "Steel Curtain?" Defense, defense, defense. The Falcons seem to hang in a play-off spot for years now. How great has their offense ever been.

If you think the crap this year has not upset the team's togetherness, think again! It could be a long dry spell just like Dallas is having, Green Bay had, and Denver has had.

I hope I'm wrong, but the "Saints" may have had their day and now it's gone.

Edited by brickboo (12/19/12 09:20 AM)
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!