The five Yamaha keyboards I owned had the same aggressive bass problem. But that is what I hear when listening to contemporary music. Bass and drums out front.

I found when I lowered the bass on some styles there was very little left. I tried an external EQ and the one in the keyboard and it did make a change ---- but what was needed was a different bass quality; not to say that Yamaha’s basses are bad, they are excellent for some types of music.
hen you turn the clock back a bit to the 40’s, 50’s and some of the 60’s the basses were different in volume and type of sound. If I play Misty on a Yamaha the bass is all over the place; the EQ did a partial job. The bass on my Kn7000 leaves something to be desired for today’s music. I ended up adding a Sub.
You can’t have it all, but you can come pretty close.

IMHO, John C.

Donny, I had an in with the Sam Ash store, I was teaching Jerry Ash’s son guitar. I would spend hours in the store trying to get that one great guitar; and many times I just knew I had it. So I would take the guitar on the job -- within a few minutes it went back into the case. What I heard at home was not what I heard on the job, it is so very different.

Don, behave