Hi Gary. I too use the audio styles, especially the bossa and 2 jazz styles. It's still an amazing kb for me. I just got back from a week in Sedona, AZ and playing a job today was just magic. I was doing a luau and I swear the Hawaiian band on the board was Don Ho's hack up band. It put me right there. I love playing arrangers. On Sunday I have a church gig on a 9 foot concert Yamaha grand that actually has ivory keys. What a pleasure to play this piano. Life is not only good, it is awesome!

Joe keys
PSR S950, PSR S900, Roland RD 700, Yamaha C3 6'Grand, Sennheiser E 935 mic, several recording mics including a Neuman U 87, Bose L1 Compact, Roland VS 2480 24 Track Recorder
Joe Ayala