Having read Johns suggestion to Deane regarding pairing the S950 with the KMA, I decided to try this with my S910. I midi'd my Yamaha lower to the KMA to control the KMA accomp. Even though I have only had 30 minutes on them, I am very pleased.
I have resisted this approach since lugging up to three KB's in the 1980's. This is very simple and light, since both don't weigh much more than my others alone.
Good to hear it works for you Bernie and I am sure it will work for Deane or anyone come to that who wants to pair the small KMA to another arranger. For all of those with a Yamaha main keyboard I will add it here in another thread as we are straying from the subject, being the Roland BK9.
So here is info as how to best hook up a korg micro arranger to any Yamaha keyboard both MIDI and AUDIO wise: