Posted this on the other thread, but it bears repeating...
"Just in reference to the above, if you do want to link two arrangers, PLEASE contact your manufacturers of choice and beg, plead, cajole and DEMAND that they standardize the way you select Style Divisions and transposition.
While it is feasible from one arranger to select Keyboard sounds from another, there is still no standardization about syncing the two and having BOTH arranger sections play at the same time. Imagine a Korg's drums and bass, and a Yamaha's guitar Parts! Best of both worlds. Imagine how many different permutations of styles you could get selecting the bass from one, drums from another, then same style, reverse the Parts, etc., etc..
But currently, each arranger, unless of the same manufacturer as the master, completely ignores all Variation and Fill, Intro and Ending commands. So you can't run one from the other.
If enough of us show that this is a popular feature, odds are they will get together and come to an agreement about what codes to use. But only if we TELL THEM!"