Originally Posted By: Mark79100

Now go ahead with your usual "save face" rebuttal....I'm not even going to bother reading it!

Wow! Some of you guys are like sharks when a drop of blood hits the water.....can't wait to join the 'feeding frenzy'. It seems that as soon as a few of the 'established' "popular guys" decide who the next victim is going to be, then the 'wannabee's' start lining up to pile on. You gotta admire some of the real 'class' people like Rikki, for example, who, if they can't say something nice about somebody, just don't say anything.

Diki has a way of phrasing things that may sometimes come across as abrasive, but it's still just HIS OPINION, which is just as valid for him as yours is for you. If you disagree with him, fine, but why attack him personally? Attack his argument and stop there. You really don't need to succumb to this mob mentality to be accepted on this board. It seems like short-timers feel the need to do this to accelerate their 'street creds'. Not necessary, trust me. Some of the most respected and revered members here NEVER take part in these activities, no matter how provocative a post may seem (to you). There should be a lesson in there somewhere.

I haven't always been a model citizen but I'm definitely trying harder to be. Maybe we all should.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]