I am glad the chart could be useful over here. Generally the Yamaha forum is pretty quiet over here. I visit frequently to keep updated on the arranger scene.
Thanks kla4 for fixing the chart. I originally typed the chart on my iPad so it wasn't in chart form.
It was pointed out that the Tyros 4 had 15 SA2 voices where 15 were indicated as playing voices plus 15 incorporated within the styles. So the thought was that the Tyros 5 44 SA2 voices were probably comparatively as 22 plus 22 for the styles, but this still has to be confirmed.
Also some people asked what AEM,FSX, and AWM were.
AEM technology (Articulation Element Modeling)
AWM stands for Advanced Wave Memory
FSX designation is describing the keyboard action on Tyros models
All the major manufactures make fine arrangers. I made a major decision a few years back between deciding between a Korg PA800 and a Tyros 3. For me the Tyros was a better fit.
Investing time, files, registrations, and learning the Yamaha OS, it makes sense for me to stick with Yamaha. Mostly because I always keep a backup keyboard ready to go at all times.
So I will trade my Tyros 3 up for a Tyros 5 and keep my Tyros 4.
Regards, Marcus