Originally Posted By: Dnj
Chony all great points, ....but as always we have the choice to buy or not if it does or doesn't fill the p[layers needs and everyone has a different need. Some will upgrade, some will not, some dont have the funds and wish they did, some will wait a year or so to but cheaper, Tyros 5 can not please all.

DNJ, your question was "what more could you ask for in an arranger KB and WHY may I ask?" and that is the question I tried to answer - and I believe I answered it well. If your question had been "if you don't like it why buy it", I would have answered differently.

The answer to your new question is that although the T5 is just an incremental upgrade to the T4 (as opposed to a giant leap), it is still an upgrade. I've already invested 10 or more years into the Tyros and it does have other advantages over the Korg -- so although I'm extremely disappointed and feel Yamaha has missed an opportunity to become the undisputed leader, I still have use for the new model.