Maybe I should start a dedicated thread for this, but perhaps a quick comment is appropriate...
It's a very double edged sword looking up chords online. Not only are they seldom correct, but also, I feel that not trying your best to figure out the chords yourself diminishes (know that one, LOL?) your musical knowledge and skill.
Only as a last resort after you have figured out as much as you can is it a good idea to get help. Like playing by ear, the more you do this, the easier it becomes, and the better you get at it. But if your first response is to go look it up, this skill will wither even from where it is now (unused muscles atrophy).
I heartily recommend you try conscientiously to make looking up the chords the LAST thing you try, not the first. You will amaze yourself at how quickly this skill develops, if you exercise it..!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!