I'm talking about L1 systems not compacts... 8 out of 10 venues that I see are NOT using Bose systems, DJ's & live bands around here use conventional PA's w/ Subs .....
so I guess the myth of filling a room with sound is just that. The Bose system in stereo is not worth $5000.00 vs some of the great powered sound systems you can buy like Yamaha, JBL, QSC, EV, at so much less cost thats sound phenomenal. Plain and simple, I tried both Bose models for a while on stage, but the compacts would distort on big jobs when pushed hard, ....yes they have their limits!!...... and the bigger L1's left an emptiness in the sound to my ears that after a while I couldn't live with anymore plus the fact of transporting
ALL those odly shaped pieces and covers on a cart night after night, day after day, put the nail in the coffin. I respect others who enjoy the Bose systems, .....
but it wont be on any of my stages ever again.