Originally Posted By: Dnj
Originally Posted By: Bachus
I had an Audya 4 for over a year, it was more in the repairshop then in my home studio..

Please elaborate further...
this is what players want to hear about.. cool2

Indid in several posts in the past, i was using the audya 4 in combination with the Korg Kronos and my DAW ( ableton / vst ), i never got the time to do the Ajamsonic update, because from the 14 months i owned it, it was out for repairs more then 9 months.. The pcb that controlled the buttons kept breaking down.. They kept replacing it, but never found the cause why it kept breaking... I think engineers at Ketron could never figure out the real problem.. But to be honest, i browsed a lot about Audya hardware problems on the internet, and it actually seemed like i was just very unlucky with having the one faulty unit.. In the end i got so frustrated that i sold it.

The styles quallity even before the ajamsonic upgrade was outstanding, and since we all know what AJ can do for soundquallity the ajamsonic version must be awesome.. I think the standard style quallity outshined my current PA3x, but only in quallity, not in options. PA3x is a beast when it comes to tweaking, not only the styles parts, but also the sounds..

Personally i almost never used the internal sounds of the audya, kronos and vsts just outshined most of them, and so in my opinion does the PA3x. I dont know how much they improved with the Ajamsonic upgrade, but back then i used the audya4 mainly as a rhytmbox..

The weakest point in my opinion of the audia was its midi controll and the fact that it missed out on pc connectivity... But just using it as a rhytm box with its internal stuff was good.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
