Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
Donny, maybe some local town sheriff got away with that kind of crap, but a state trooper would have ended up in jail himself.

Gary cool

Gary I don't think I said it was State Troopers,.....but actually exiting the Fort on our last day stationed there we were caught in a 3 car setup very hidden radar speed trap must have been 20 cars pulled over........local units I would say don't remember the actual town some where near Aberdeen?,...says we were speeding don't recall how fast,.....then asked me where we were going I said
Brooklyn, NY about 3 hrs north, .....asked us how much money we had at that time I think around $40.00 between us....then he went into his car figured out the gas and tolls to NY and gave us a $16.00 ticket and said that would leave us enough for gas, tolls, etc.. only because he was a veteran who was stationed there also,....
said follow me to the judges house somewhere in the woods and we did about 10 min away, ....went into some guys furnished basement almost like yours, .....he came downstairs in a black robe, sat at his desk, read us the charges, ......the cop said just plead guilty and it's over with,.. so we pleaded guilty, paid the $16.00 fine, and were allowed to leave town I was only 17 yrs old....... frown

Edited by Dnj (09/15/14 01:57 PM)