Originally Posted By: Fran Carango
I use 100 percent of the features on the G70..there is nothing that I avoid...everything works as I would expect, and what it does, it does as well as I get from the laptop..

Sure there are styles I do not use, I am not interested in Trance, Rap or a lot of ethic styles...They don't fit my needs..

I can't think of a single feature I do not use when needed..
It could be the sequencer, harmonizer,guitar mode,singer key range,effects both for instruments and master,drawbars, synth editing, separate outs,crossfades,and velocity switching,3 zone splits,SMF with markers,all editing tools (make up and cover, eq,etc),expansion boards (SRX), USB for transfer of data and also USB midi..External storage,Playlist,style list, Program (user)list, search features for SMF,Style and User program...Song indexes,...D-beam for controls and sounds..
All 76 keys..Left hand bass, slash chord, Full piano mode...Accompanient "off" buttons..

Like I said..I use everything..why not, I know I have them...and they work, and work great..

Fran with all those great features your describing why is it that more people aren't still using the G70 anymore?, age?, features?....
I had one as you know wink ...I enjoyed it for a while,....but certain things just didn't fit my needs,...and that is aside from how heavy it was surprised The Bk series I had the Bk5 wink is no match for the G70 IMO...Roland really dropped the ball not making a TOTL lighter version updated version of the G70 with a touch screen and all the newer features the G70 didn't have back in the day..buy hey to each his own...we all do it different Pro or Home Player. keys