There are very, very few string samples that might be superior to this larger Integra string section. A Tyros can only compete with its small strings (quartet of solo voices), the "live strings" etc.are much more artificial. The Kronos preset strings sound very artificial, too. IMO only some specific Kronos or Motif XF external string libraries cam beat this.

The demanding thing playing this is to play a good legato without using a sustain pedal. Sustain pedal doesn't work for string sections, too many tones loudly sustained.

What I am not yet happy about is dynamics: there should be more differentiation between piano and forte, that was not due to my playing, but the voices should react more clearly to soft playing.

That's my point of view about Roland Integra strings. (I've heard a lot of real strings when I played the trombone in the symphonic orchestra of a university, so I guess I know what real string sections sound like).