You can't send audio through a MIDI port (but the KN USB port can route both to a PC). You will have to hook your Digitech up to the line in on the KN7000 (or both of them to a mixer) in order to route it to your PC.

If you can hear the audio from the Digitech on your KN speakers then you can send it to the PC.



Brian, S. is right.
You need only one Midi wire -- outfrom the keyboard to in on your Digitech. The keyboard will send only digital information to you Digitech that is needed to select the correct harmony. You do not need or want the digitech to send any info to your keyboard, that will open another list of problems.

Your Digitech has stereo out puts -- one of them should be for monoral, both side of the stereo combined allowing you to plug into the keyboard without a mixer. I will always use a mixer when necessary, it gives me greater control. My thought is the less I have to carry the better.

All that I have written is based on getting the Digitech and keyboard to work together, how you connect to the recording device is another subject. I have never used the USB port for recording, it must have some good atvantages.

Good luck Brian, John C.