Originally Posted By: gokuss4
Write me all name of the style have the problem.
So I will send to my friends
My audya now is in a resturant so I can't verify
PS Snoopy explain me the problem of registration

I canīt give you all the style names, because I returned to 5.2. after I recognised the first problems.

Iīm not a tester for Ketron !

I remember 12_8 Ballad, Country_Quartet, Rocker, but there were a lot of more.

I assume that the "registration-problem" is because of the styles. Some in the registrations saved settings were not recalled ( tabs, foot-switch ).

And YES, Iīve got the AJAMSONIC installed, but the styles effected by the problem were styles of the "Pendrive-Update" as well as "factory-audio-styles".
I canīt imagine that the problems have anything to do with AJAMSONIC.

Edit : Another german costumer WITHOUT AJAMSONIC had as well problems with styles !!!
Greetings from East-Frisia ( Northern-Germany )