Through the year's I've used the original Yamaha case for the Tyros, then switched to a full blown flight case and within a few months had begun to wreck my back and shoulders lifting it in and out of the car. Then I went back to the Yamaha original style semi-hard case with wheels, which is what I'm using now.
My complaint is that the semi-hard shell cases don't seem to hold up well under heavy use. The zipper tabs break off, the zippers begin to pull away from the stitching, and the corners aren't reinforced adequately for heavy use. (By heavy use I mean something in the range of 435-455 gigs a year.)
I think in the next few months I'll move into one of the hardshell non-flight cases that may be the best of both worlds. I like my case to have wheels, and to have the durability and craftsmanship that some of the lower end cases don't.
Edited by Bill in Dayton (04/09/15 09:20 AM)
Bill in Dayton